Saturday, 3 December 2011

Investment in gold- Long term or Short Terms

Gold, the precious metal in the earth. With limited resources, this metal have been precious since Greek Empire.Gold has always been powerful stuff. The earliest history of human interaction with gold is long lost to us, but its association with the gods, with immortality, and with wealth itself are common to many cultures throughout the world. Early civilizations equated gold with gods and rulers, and gold was sought in their name and dedicated to their glorification. Humans almost intuitively place a high value on gold, equating it with power, beauty, and the cultural elite. And since gold is widely distributed all over the globe, we find this same thinking about gold throughout ancient and modern civilizations everywhere.Gold, beauty, and power have always gone together. Gold in ancient times was made into shrines and idols ("the Golden Calf"), plates, cups, vases and vessels of all kinds, and of course, jewellery for personal adornment. The "Gold of Troy" treasure hoard, excavated in Turkey and dating to the era 2450 -2600 B.C., show the range of gold-work from delicate jewellery to a gold gravy boat weighing a full troy pound. This was a time when gold was highly valued, but had not yet become money itself. Rather, it was owned by the powerful and well-connected, or made into objects of worship, or used to decorate sacred locations.Gold, measured out, became money. Gold's beauty, scarcity, unique density (no other metal outside the platinum group is as heavy), and the ease by which it could be melted, formed, and measured made it a natural trading medium. Gold gave rise to the concept of money itself: portable, private, and permanent. Gold (and silver) in standardized coins came to replace barter arrangements, and made trade in the Classic period much easier.

So nowadays, Investment in gold  is a must. the question is that how much should we invest and for how long. I've check with the web and the conclusion that I can make is that, Gold investment must comprises from 10-20 percent from the whole investment port folio. The reason is that gold investment is for long term not short term.. Although there's some gold investment and trading company offers us some kind of gold investment in short term, the best investment for gold is long term between 5-10 years.

So how to invest ?? What I found out is that invest in small amount of gold  periodically of time. But if you can invest big amount or if your investment portfolio allow to do so please do so. This kind of investment secure you from fluctuation of gold price nowadays. so in the long run, you still can catch uprising in your investment. but whatever your investment amount is, bear in mind that gold is precious and limited resources in the earth not like currency. So if we caught ourself in inflation or world economic downturn, we still can turn ourself to the gold.

For further information on gold and gold investment please go to the World Gold Organization.

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